A radically relational progressive Jewish community in north-west London and online

We run weekly Shabbat evening and morning services both in-person and online.

Note: venues for in-person events vary. If you are interested in attending a service, please RSVP on our Eventbrite page and we will let you know the location and/or zoom room details. All in-person services can be joined online too.

See our Calendar for all upcoming dates.

Service Schedule

Our typical monthly service schedule is below (note individual months may differ slightly).

Friday (6:30pm)Saturday (10:30am)
1Kabbalat Shabbat service*Online service
2Online serviceIntergenerational (family-friendly) in-person service
3Kabbalat Shabbat (home-hosted service)Online service
4Online serviceShabbat morning service

* In months starting on a Saturday, this will be the last day (Friday) of the preceding month